Parenting Act Mediation Attorneys in Omaha
Helping Families In Omaha, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, and Beyond
The Parenting Act requires that parents attempt mediation before seeking to modify or adjust an existing parenting plan. At Goosmann Law Firm, our Omaha child custody attorneys provide parenting act mediation services. These are services to help you and your ex in as you voluntarily discuss your efforts to adjust parenting time and custody schedules. Give us a call at our Nebraska divorce & family law office for a consultation to discuss your matter further before moving forward.
For experienced guidance, reach out to an Omaha Parenting Act mediation lawyer from Goosmann Law Firm. Complete our online form or give us a call at 712-226-4000.
Common Questions about Mediating Nebraska Parenting Plans
Below are some frequent questions about parenting act mediation that our firm receives. For legal advice on and assistance with your Parenting Act matter, see a qualified lawyer at Goosmann Law Firm.
What Is Attendance at Parenting Act Mediation in Omaha Like?
A mediator is present in a parenting act mediation and remains neutral. The mediator doesn’t favor either of you. If a mediator tries to pick sides or show bias, you have the right to leave and request a different mediator. The mediator will hear from all parties, as a judge would, and will work to reach a satisfactory resolution. If you and your child’s other parent agree on a resolution, the mediator will help draft a parenting plan. This will be submitted to a court for review to see whether or not it is in your child’s best interest.
What Should I Bring to a Mediation Near Me?
The things to take to a Parenting Act mediation may include the following:
- List of proposed clauses for the parenting agreement, garnishment of earnings, as well as a replica of the present parenting agreement or custody and visitation schedule
- Proof of posts, correspondence, tapes, attempts to work out adjustments, etc.
- Proof of contact with a parenting coordinator and the Ombudsman list and court orders
- Calendar
- Your child’s school calendar and calendar for extracurricular activities
- Court documents – this includes all court documents related to your divorce/custody situation.
Omaha Parenting Act Mediators
If you need to find a Nebraska Parenting Act mediator, limited resources are often available via search engines. You and your child’s other parent should be sure to interview and choose a mediator that you both trust.
Call Goosmann Law Firm to learn more about the services of our experienced Omaha meditators. At the Goosmann Law Firm, we assist in mediation matters and act as a mediator for couples seeking a Parenting Act mediator.
Reach out to Goosmann Law Firm to discuss your matters further with a qualified Parenting Act mediation attorney. Contact us online or call 712-226-4000 to set up a consultation.